Wednesday 4 July 2012

July News

Dear All,

Just a few updates about what’s happening at the Corpus Christi Prayer Group and further afield...

In this newsletter...

1) Mass this week @ the Corpus Christi Prayer Group
2) A New Thing: Flashmob Prayer & Worship
3) Care Not Killing Rally
4) Good Counsel Network Sponsored Walk
5) Youth 2000 Day of Prayer with All Night Vigil in East London

Mass this week @ the Corpus Christi Prayer Group

Wednesday 4th July, 7pm: Celebration of Mass
Come and celebrate Mass with us this week at our prayer group.  We are delighted that Fr Stephen Wang will be joining us to celebrate Mass with us this month.  We will begin by praying the rosary from 7pm, during which time Fr Stephen will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation should you wish.

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'Follow' us on Twitter: CorpusChristiPG

A New Thing: Flashmob Prayer & Worship

14th July 2012
An ecumenical event to welcome the Olympics to London

On the day of Pentecost, God did a new thing.  A sight was seen, a sound was heard, and Jerusalem was never the same.  Thousands turned to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit had come.  We have a dream to see the same thing today, in this olympic year, in London.

‘A New Thing’ is a vision to see the Church unveiled to London through worship and prayer. For Christians of every creed to unite, to be Church but Church without walls.  So on July 14th, we’re taking to the streets and inviting the Church to join us!
From 11am – 12pm, we’re inviting the churches of London to come out of their buildings and sing. With one voice we’ll claim every street for Jesus and cast a net of song across the city. And as we do, we’ll see the joy of the Lord poured out on a hurting nation.

From 2 – 4pm, we’ll come together in London’s heart, Trafalgar Square.  We’ll gather as one, ‘an army of ants’, for a ‘flashmob’ of worship and prayer.  No stage, no mics, no brands, no speaker. Just the people of God in one place, at one time, with one voice seeking Him for the nation.  We’ll pray and we’ll praise, we’ll stand and we’ll kneel, we’ll shout, we’ll be silent, we’ll have a good time! But whatever we do, we’ll be seen and be heard and like Pentecost, impact our city.

For more information, please see the attached flyer
Or check out:

Care Not Killing Rally

3rd July 2012

On 3rd July 2012, Care Not Killing – in association with CARE and Right to Life – has organised a Rally in Westminster to promote better palliative care and oppose the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia.  There will be contributions from an exciting array of expert speakers, including the Rt. Hon Ann Widdecombe, Lord Alton of Liverpool, Jim Dobbin MP, Fiona Bruce MP, Dr Peter Saunders, Brian Iddon, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Prof Lord McColl of Dulwich and others.  Please do come and be encouraged and equipped to defend the law and protect the vulnerable!

What’s the plan on 3 July?
1.  ‘How to talk to your MP about assisted suicide: a workshop’ | 10:00am – 11:00am
You can register from 9:30am and will hear from a number of speakers including Fiona Bruce MP, Dr Peter Saunders of CNK and Dan Boucher of CARE.  This first hour will provide you with material you can use and suggestions about how best to approach your Member of Parliament.  The venue will be the Emmanuel Centre at Marsham Street, just a five minute walk from Parliament.

2.  Meet with your MP | 11:00am – 2:00pm
This time has been set aside for you to meet your MP in Parliament (there are further details about how to do this below).  The Emmanuel Centre will remain open as a base throughout, serving coffee and tea, where people can wait before seeing their MP and return to afterwards.
You have the right to turn up in parliament at any time and ask to meet your MP.  However, we would encourage you to contact your MP before 3 July and ask for a meeting, ideally between 11:00am and 14:00pm.  If they offer you a time that clashes with another part of the day we would encourage you to take it nonetheless.  If it clashes with the workshop, please contact the CNK office and we will be happy to provide you with some guidance about how to get the most out of your meeting.  If your MP cannot meet you on 3 July, we would still encourage you to join us and to ask for a meeting on an alternative date in your constituency at which you can make use of everything you learn on 3 July.

3.  Parliamentary Rally to promote better palliative care and oppose the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
We will then return to the Emmanuel Centre for the parliamentary rally when we will hear from the parliamentarians listed above.
The Emmanuel Centre will remain open until 4:00pm for those who wish to stay and chat.

Please see the attached flyer for more details

Good Counsel Network Sponsored Walk

Saturday July 14th
From Wandsworth to Wapping. 

The Good Counsel Network (GCN) are organising a sponsored walk.  The walk starts at 10am with Mass at St Mary Magdalene’s  Parish, Wandsworth, walking approximately ten miles to finish at St Patrick’s Parish, Wapping.  At St. Patrick’s there will be Benediction followed by refreshments and a chance to sit down and socialise and meet other Catholics.  Lots of young people of all ages participate in their ministry and they run internships for students to help educate and involve them in pro-life issues.  They are hoping for a good show of young people and young adults on this walk.

This is a great opportunity to participate in their life-saving ministry and an opportunity to get your school/university or work friends, family and fellow parishioners to sponsor you in supporting vulnerable women who face difficult choices with their pregnancy.

The GCN are asking all participants to raise at least £100 in sponsorship with no maximum. They are hoping to have 100 or more participants to raise thousands of pounds.  The GCN offers women practical help and moral support to help keep their child, from accommodation and financial help, baby clothes and nappies, to friendship and on-going support, advice and help for the future. They need to raise about £300,000 every year to help support the vital work of their centre that reaches out to women in need.

Get in touch with the GCN for further details and a fundraising pack to help you raise as much as possible for their vital cause.

Contact Details:
Conor Carroll 020 7723 1740

Youth 2000 Day of Prayer with All Night Vigil in East London

Saturday 28th July
St Margaret's Parish in Canning Town

During the day (from 10:30am): A day of prayer for 16-35 yr olds
Hosted by Youth 2000, to mark the opening weekend of the Olympics, supporting perpetual Adoration in various Churches in the East End.
Registration and Welcome from 10:30am
Followed by a day of inspiring talks, workshops, worship, small group time and a Reconciliation Service

After supper at 8:30pm: Eucharistic Healing Service

From 10pm: All-night vigil of Adoration (over 18s only)
We would love your help for the all-night vigil (from 10pm-6am) as this can only be people aged 18 and over. There are male and female sleeping areas (you would need to bring a mat, sleeping bag and pillow. The gates to the Church will be locked so it will be safe and we hope to offer breakfast at 6am for all who are present. 

I know this is not an easy thing to do, but ask you to think and pray about taking a 1 hour shift overnight. We need 2 volunteers for each slot and 2 volunteers to cook the breakfast!

If you can help, please contact Maria Byrne who will coordinate the rota: