Tuesday 19 November 2013

Found Anew by Christ: after 15 years dabbling in the new age and occultism

Tomorrow at the prayer group we will be having rosary, worship and silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by a powerful testimony by Edith.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

November Happenings

Tonight at the prayer group we will be having Mass celebrated by Father Anthony Doe for the soul of Daniel.

Next week will be our healing service lead by Fr Angelus.

Other events happening:
Youth 2000, Many Streams One River, 10am, Saturday 9th November, Methodist Central Hall, Westminster
 This meeting will show in various ways how the Catholic movements in the UK are a gift at the service of the Church today. It is open to all, to those already belonging to a movement, as well as to those who would like to know more about these new charisms sent by the Holy Spirit. The day will consist of music and drama, prayer and testimonies. Groups involved include: Focolare, Alpha International, Youth 2000, Schoenstatt and many others. For further details please see the link below or email: info@youth2000.org


Catholic Voices Media Training Day, 10.00, Saturday 23rd November, Centre for Youth Ministry, St Aloysius, Somers Town
Free course on how to defend your Catholic Faith and values in public with theory and practical sessions.

SW London 20/30s Pre Christmas Party, 7.30, Saturday 23rd November, The Merchant, 23-25 Battersea Rise SW11 1HG
Social event for young Catholics

Juventutem Latin Mass for young adults (18-35) followed by social, 7.15 Friday 29th November, St Mary Moorfields, Moorgate

Spirit in the City, Silent Disco, 7pm, Saturday 30th November, St Patrick's Soho
 Due to popular demand Silent Disco is back! 
 Disco Beats | Delicious Cuisine
 Fundraising for Spirit in the City Festival

Tuesday 22 October 2013

This Wednesday at Corpus Christi + News

This Wednesday at the prayer group there will be adoration, the rosary, worship songs and a time of silent meditation.  As usual, there will be a time for catching up with friends and meeting new people at our local pub, The Coal Hole on the Strand.

Other Events Happening:

Julie who sings at the prayer group will be performing at the B.I.G Choir with a fusion of  Gospel Funk and classical.
6.30pm-9.00pm Saturday 2nd November
G2 at Gladesmore Community School, Gladesmore Road, LONDON N15
Tickets £10 ( Concessions £8)
For Info Call : 020-8-509-7222 BOOK NOW! soulful.eventbrite.co.uk

You Believe: the Journey of Renewal, 7pm, Tuesday 22nd October, Centre for Youth Ministry, St Aloysius, Somers Town
 You Believe is a night of catechesis for young people and takes place every month as part of the diocesan celebrations of the Year of Faith. This evening will include an input by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

Juventutem: Traditional Latin Mass, 7.30, Friday 25th October, St Mary Moorfields, Moorgate Juventutem organise a monthly traditional Latin Mass for young adults followed by a social at St Mary Moorfields in Moorgate. The next one is this Friday evening 25th at 7.30pm:

Dominicans St Joseph: Walk along the Thames, 11am, Sunday 27th October, Church of the Most Precious Blood, London Bridge
The Dominicans St Joseph are organising a walk along the Thames, praying for the New Evangelisation. Starts with 11 am Mass at the Church of the Precious Blood, London Bridge, followed by coffee and celebratory light refreshments. Then they'll be walking along by the river, stopping to pray at the site of St Thomas More's martyrdom and at other places of significance. Bring sandwiches for a picnic break. Things will finish back at Precious Blood with Benediction at approx 5pm.

Swell @Bournemouth, Youth 2000 Retreat, Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd November
Youth 2000's First Retreat in Bournemouth. Join with other young Catholics (16-30) from around the UK to celebrate our faith
Live worship. Powerful services. Engaging talks. Creative workshops. In depth discussion groups. Friendship...

Spirit in the City, Silent Disco, 7pm, Saturday 30th November, St Patrick's Soho
Due to popular demand Silent Disco is back! Disco Beats | Delicious Cuisine
Fundraising for Spirit in the City Festival

See you soon,
God bless,

Monday 14 October 2013

This Wednesday at The Corpus Christi Prayer Group

As usual we will be having Eucharistic adoration, the rosary, worship music, a time of silence and Annette will be leading a meditation on St Teresa of Avila whose feast day it is on the 15th of October.

If you've not attended the group before and are thinking of coming - you will be warmly welcomed! The prayer group is open for people of all ages and backgrounds.  After the group we go for fellowship at our local pub The Coal Hole.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

This Week at Corpus Christi Prayer Group

We will have rosary, adoration, worship music and Annette will lead a reflection on John Henry Newman.

Afterwards, drinks down the pub.

God bless,

New Mailing List

Dear all,

sadly we've been unable to access our mailing list.  Daniel faithfully sent out emails with news and events of Catholic happenings in London and across the UK, we'd like to continue to stay in touch with you.

To sign up to our new mailing list please email to join for news

Thanks and God bless,

Saturday 21 September 2013

September and October happenings at Corpus Christi Prayer Group

Daniel is very much in our thoughts and we are praying for his soul, his parents, his family and all of his mourning friends and colleagues.  My own personal thoughts are that Daniel is very much interceding for us at this time, encouraging and helping us to continue in the work that he was doing whilst here. Although my heart is grieving for a dear friend, I feel that he has given me a glimpse of heaven - helping me to look beyond the distractions on earth but rather tilting my gaze heavenwards to the Lord and an eternal life with Him.

We've got the program for October now.  I'm praying that contact through the mailing list will resume shortly so that we can email you directly.

25.09.13 Tuesday is the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham, to commemorate this, on Wednesday at Corpus Christi we will be re-consecrating ourselves and the prayer group to Our Lady.

02.10.13  Rosary, confessions and Holy Mass

09.10.13  Adoration, rosary, silence and a Annette will lead a meditation and reflection on John Henry Newman

16.10.13 Adoration, rosary, silence and a Annette will lead a meditation on the Sacred Heart or Jesus.

23.10.13  Adoration, rosary, silent meditations.

30.10.13  Adoration, rosary, silence and Simone will lead a prayer meditation.

I'm praying that contact through the mailing list will resume shortly with details about Daniels funeral.

Thank you and God bless,

Monday 16 September 2013

Daniel Brudney

It is with great sadness that I write this as our dear Daniel Brudney  tragically passed away last Friday on the 13th of September in a car accident whilst driving home from work in the heavy rain.  No one else was involved in the accident.  We are all so shocked at the news, it is a great, great loss. We pray for the repose of Daniels soul and for his family and friends at this time that Jesus will console each one.

Daniel will be greatly missed and his absence will be strongly felt. He lead us in prayer, he lead the music and did so much behind the scenes.  What people that came to the group may not have known was that he learnt how to play the piano specifically for our prayer group as we didn't have enough musicians. If there was a need Daniel would do it, no matter what it was and without complaint.  Daniel was an extraordinary person, who truly lived life to the full with a humble and loving servants heart. He loved our prayer group and his desire was to bring people to Jesus Christ - every week he prayed that more people would come so that they would encounter Him in the Blessed Sacrament. We pray that Daniel is on his way to Jesus Christ.

This Wednesday there will be Mass at the prayer group with Fr Alan Robinson the Parish Priest, the intention will be for the repose of Daniels soul and for his family and friends.  The group will begin at 7 with Mass at 7.30.  

Communication with the group will be via this blogspot for the time being as we don't have access to the mailing list at present.

Thankyou and God bless,


Monday 29 July 2013

July and August News

Long over due update of what is happening at our prayer group and in and around London this month and next.

Corpus Christi Prayer Group

Wednesday 31st July, 7pm: Eucharistic Healing Service
Come and join us as we spend an evening together praying for healing.  Fr Angelus will be joining us once again to lead us in our Healing Service.  The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed with the opportunity to come forward and kneel in prayer before Christ.  Healing may take many forms: physical, emotional, spiritual.   Come and bring these all before the Lord.  Hope you can make it.

Wednesday 7th August, 7pm: Celebration of Mass
Come and join us as we celebrate Mass at the Corpus Christi Prayer Group.  We are delighted that Fr Sylvester ODC will be paying another visit to our group this evening to lead us in our celebration of Mass.  Fr Sylvester will be available before Mass for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

‘Like' us on Facebook: facebook.com/CorpusChristi.PrayerGroup
'Follow' us on Twitter: CorpusChristiPG
Check out our Blog: 

Kingdom Come @ Walsingham

Thursday 22nd August – Monday 26th August 2013
National The Roman Catholic Shrine of Our Lady, Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6AL

Get ready for the biggest annual Catholic Youth Event in the UK. Get ready for a fresh experience of faith and friendship. Get ready for Kingdom Come @ Walsingham: Sunshine, Tents, Adoration, Worship, Engaging talks, Silence, Saints, Workshops, Sports and more
Join over 1,000 young adults 16-35 to experience the love and power of God in your love, as we pray: Your will be done God!

The event is primarily for young people between the ages of 16 and 25, although it is open to young adults up to aged 35

There will be separate free accommodation available for men and women - you just need to bring a sleeping bag, roll-mat and wash kit. Or why not bring your own tent and camp?

Suggested donation is £100 per person to cover the cost of the retreat (this includes all meals / refreshments, accommodation, a small donation is offered to the speakers and workshop leaders, equipment, insurance and resources).

By coach: There will be coaches from London and from other locations across the UK.  For the latest information, see the the Youth 2000 Website or contact the Youth 2000 office (see below)
By train: The best route is to take the train from King’s Cross to King’s Lynn.  Local buses can then be taken to Fakenham the nearest town from which you can get a further bus or taxi to the shrine
By car: Walsingham is a pleasant 2.5hr drive from London.  Why not share with someone?

For more information please see: www.youth2000.org
Or contact the Youth 2000 National Office: info@youth2000.org or call 020 7221 2124

Evangelium Conference

2nd – 4th August 2013
The Reading Oratory School

Young adults (18 to 35) are invited to attend the sixth Evangelium weekend residential conference on the theme of explaining the Catholic faith in the modern world:

• Dynamic talks by excellent speakers
• Mix with other young people who share your faith
• Discuss and talk informally with our speakers
• Daily Mass and eucharistic adoration
• Opportunities for confession
• Relax in the beautiful grounds
• Opportunities for sport and evening entertainment

The Conference is organised by the Evangelium Project and sponsored by the Catholic Truth Society. Confirmed speakers for 2013:
• Rt Rev. Mark Davies - Bishop of Shrewsbury
• Fr Jerome Bertram - Oxford Oratory
• Dr James Bogle - Chairman of the Catholic Union
• Joanna Bogle - Writer and Broadcaster
• Dr Alan Fimister - International Theological Institute
• Fr John Hermer - Lecturer in Sacred Scripture, Allen Hall Seminary
• Fr Marcus Holden - Maryvale Tutor, Custodian of the National Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate
• Fr Reto Nay - Founder of Gloria TV
• Dr William Newton - International Theological Institute
• Fr Andrew Pinsent - Faculty of Theology, Oxford University, and formerly a Physicist at CERN
• Fr Nicholas Schofield - Parish Priest, Historian and Archivist of Westminster Archdiocese
• Dr Joseph Shaw - Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University
• Fr Ed Tomlinson - Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
• Sr Mary Trinity - Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)

For more information or to book, please see:

Centre for Philosophy at Stone: Philosophy Week

25th – 31st August 2013
St Dominic’s Convent, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 8EN

CEPHAS (Centre for Philosophy at Stone) invites adult participants to its second philosophy week at Stone convent (25th-31st August 2013). Morning workshops introduce five key areas of philosophy. Afternoon discussions explore central Catholic doctrines such as transubstantiation. Evening guest talks, with good wine, open up the richness of our artistic and intellectual culture.

The full price - which includes food and accommodation for the week - is £320 (and £150 for students) with further bursaries available.

There are only a few places still available, so book up asap to avoid disappointment!

For more information, please email georgecorbett28@gmail.com or valeryewalker@yahoo.co.uk
Or visit their website www.cephas.org.uk.

Anscombe Centre: Conference on Moral Philosophy

27th & 28th September 2013
St Hugh's College, Oxford

The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe

On 27th and 28th September 2013 the Anscombe Bioethics Centre will host a major international conference on the moral philosophy of GEM Anscombe, after whom the Centre is named, at St Hugh's College, Oxford (where G.E.M. Anscombe was an undergraduate student).

The price is £140 for ‘early bird’ conference registration, light refreshments and lunch only for the two conference days (without accommodation). Concessions £70.

Participants will include:
Christopher Coope,
Rev Prof Kevin Flannery SJ
Dr Mary Geach,
Rev David Goodill OP
Prof Luke Gormally,
Dr Edward Harcourt,
Dr David Albert Jones,
Prof Anselm Müller (Anscombe Memorial Lecturer 2013),
Dr Matthew O’Brien,
Prof Thomas Pink,
Prof Duncan Richter,
Dr Roger Teichmann,
Prof Jose Maria Torralba and
Prof Candace Vogler.

For more information or to book please see:
Or contact: admin@bioethics.org.uk

Evangelisation Internship for Young Adults in London

The Marist Fathers and Marist Missionary Sisters at Notre Dame de France in Leicester Square in London are offering young adults between 19 and 35 the possibility of living an experience of community and mission in the heart of London’s West End, inspired by Marist values. Together with their involvement in the richly varied mission of Notre Dame de France, those taking part will share in the life and prayer of the local Marist community.

The experience runs from September 2013 and it is possible to combine it with study or work in London.

For information please contact Fr Bernd: maristenbk03@web.de