Tuesday 20 March 2012

More March News And Events

Corpus Christi Prayer Group - Healing service and Reconciliation

Wednesday 21st March, 7pm: Eucharistic Healing Service
We continue our Lenten reflection this week with an evening of prayer for healing in all aspects of our lives.  Fr Angelus will be joining us to lead us in this evening of grace.  The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed, with the opportunity to come forward and receive a blessing, as we praise God in word and song.

Wednesday 28th March, 7pm: Lenten Reconciliation Service
This is a chance to spend an evening in personal examination and prayer.  We will be using scripture to examine ourselves and ask for God’s forgiveness as we prepare for Holy Week.  Priests will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Men’s Group – Football with the Friars
The lads will be meeting for their next game of football THIS SUNDAY (25th March).
This group meets every month or so and is an opportunity for some time of ‘fellowship’ together over a game of football.  The Franciscan Friars from Canning Town usually join us for a game in the local park.  New faces are always welcome.
Afterwards we head back to the friary for a bit of social time and there will be the opportunity to join the friars for their Holy Hour at 5pm.
When: Next meeting 25th March – meet before 2pm at the friary, kick off no later than 2.30pm.
The nearest tube/DLR station is Canning Town.
If you are running late, please come straight to the nearby park:
The friars are happy for you to join them for dinner after the holy hour but please contact Br John-Baptist or Fr Emmanuel at the friary (02074740766) as they will need to know the exact numbers.

For more information, contact Marco: 07957564352

Images of God
Thursday 22nd March, 7:30pm
Vaughan House, behind Westminster Cathedral
Images of God’ workshop is an opportunity for young adults (18-35) to explore the images of God presented to us in scripture and to reflect on how their own images of God. The workshop will be prayerful and experiential in nature. It will take place at Vaughan House on Thursday 22nd March at 7.30pm. There is no charge.

Please contact Fr David on davidreilly@rcdow.org.uk to book a place.

Chrism Mass – request for help
Please see the following request for help from Joanna Bogle.  Please reply directly to her if you think you can help....
Chrism Mass: St George's Cathedral Wed April 4th
For some years now, it's been a tradition at the Chrism Mass to give out small cards with a thank-you message to our priests. This began as a sort of counter-demonstration to the people who stood with a banner demanding the ordination of women. They don't come any more, but the need for a message of support for pur priests has never been stronger.
We now have a strong group that greets the WESTMINSTER Chrism Mass with a big placard and lovely cards.
What about Southwark? 
I  need your support.  I'll be there with the Thank-You placard - it's a nice one, (doesn't look nutty, is professionally made etc, so don't panic!) - and some beautiful printed cards.
Can you come and stand with me? It's on the Wednesday of Holy Week, ie Wed April 4th. We need to be there at 10.30am to greet the priests as they arrive. You don't need to stay for the whole of the Chrism Mass  (although it's worth attending!).

Nerarest tube: Waterloo or Lmbeth North. 

For more details, please email: auntiejoanna@yahoo.co.uk

Nightfever London
Saturday April 21st, 5pm onwards
St Patrick’s, Soho Square

NIGHTFEVER is an initiative of young Christians who want to pass on the joy that they have experienced themselves. Inviting people to encounter God's love through street evangelisation, Adoration, Reconciliation, music & testimonies. Nightfever started right after the World Youth Day 2005 (Cologne/Germany) as a regular evening of adoration, worship and has led many people to encounters with Christ.

Nightfever is run by young people, students and professionals from different faculties, churches, seminaries, spiritual communities and orders. Everyone using their own gifts, talents, resources and capabilities for the service of Christ. This is how we live and celebrate unity in diversity. The evening begins with Mass, after which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed until the end of the evening. Teams of people then venture out on to the streets of London to share their faith with them and gently invite them to come into the Church, even just to light a candle for a prayer intention they have. Once inside, people can just sit quietly and listen to the music which will be playing throughout the evening, they can bring a candle before the Blessed Sacrament, leave their intentions in the 'worry box' at the altar, take a Word of God from the 'joy box' & even receive the Sacrament of Reconcilation if they decide to make that step. It is a very gentle evangelisation evening, meeting people where they are and inviting them to take a little step towards God.

Find out more on www.nightfever-online.org

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